A new chapter

Catching up on another recent project, online and PR work has included the updated website of Chapter One.

Although located in Locksbottom, Kent, it’s just 15 minutes by train out from London Bridge. As such, Chapter One falls under the radar of more shouty Michelin-starred restaurants in the capital.

And that’s a real shame because it excels at innovative cooking served up with finesse and grace. Add to that very reasonable pricing and a relaxed yet efficient atmosphere, and it makes for a great day out.

It’s a real testament to chef/patron, Andy McLeish who’s one of the most down-to-earth yet inspirational chefs I’ve met.

It’s hip to be square

After a lengthy hiatus (much longer than I’d really intended) I thought that I’d resurrect this sad old blog with some good news, and a new look.

I’ve recently started photographing for the good folks over at Mayfields. Not the usual kind of commercial gig, more of a creative collaboration. Really great people to work with, hipster Hackney location, eclectic playlist, and astonishingly innovative food.

Newly added to their website this week is a gallery of just some of the photos that we’ve been working on together. More to come over the following weeks and months.

Watch this space…